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Lindsay Lohan’s Sneaky Bottle Of Alcohol In Porsche!

Just when you think Lindsay is back on track….

Lindsay Lohan, gave the world a lot of hope when she landed the role of Elizabeth Taylor in the Lifetime Movie ‘Liz & Dick’ and after she had a car accident in her porsche we laughed it off, but now it seems alcohol could have been the cause.

Lindsay is already facing jail time for violating her probation agreement because she lied to police officers about not being the person driving the Porsche at the time of the car incident.

But now it seems Lindsay is getting in even more trouble after the police found an open water bottle in the trunk of the car, but instead of water, it contained liquor. Real original Lindsay.

Now this situation just got real awkward. After the world praised her after getting straight back to work after the incident now the table has turned and we could even be seeing Lindsay head back behind bars!

When will this girl learn!!!


Lindsay Lohan Has Another Car Accident!

I really don’t understand how she still has a license?

Linsday Lohan has had a car accident while driving to the set of her upcoming Lifetime Movie ‘Liz and Dick‘. The crash sent her to hospital but only as a precaution her publicist says.

Lohan was taken to the UCLA Medical Centre in Santa Monica, California and only stayed in hospital for two hours before returning to work. Steve Honig said “She is fine, she is already headed back to the set to resume work… Fortunately, no one was seriously injured in the accident”.

Well that is great news for Lohan, but honestly, how many incidents can one person have with a car. Lets Investigate

2005: Lindsay in Car Accident with paparazzo. The paparazzo as accused of ‘ramming her car’

2007: Lohan arrested on a misdemeanour sunken driving charge after losing control of her Mercedes-Benz and hit a curb in Beverly Hills.

Two Months Later: Woman called police in Santa Monic accusing Lohan of trying to run her down. Lohan was charged with drunken driving, cocaine possession and driving with a suspended license.

So overall GOOD EFFORT Lindsay! Thankfully though this time was just an accident, no one was hurt, intoxicated or drugged!